Abstract submission

Abstract submission is now CLOSED.

Full paper submission

Abstracts accepted for either oral or poster presentations at the symposium require the authors to submit a full paper, restricted to 6 pages in length. To this end, templates (including guidelines for preparing the full paper) are provided below.

Each full paper submission will be required to be supported by a unique registration payment. For instance, if two accepted papers (e.g. Submission IDs 1 and 2) are co-authored by A and B, either A or B should support ID 1, and the other should support ID 2. Papers without unique supporting registrations will be removed from the program.

Submission of full papers will need to be done after completing the payment of supporting registration.
To submit your final paper click → Final paper submission and management page

Copyright: The copyright of TSFP manuscripts remains with the authors, who are free to submit their work for publication in an archival journal, citing the TSFP manuscript as preliminary results. Archival journals may also invite selected authors of TSFP manuscripts to submit their work for publication in special issues.

Full paper templates

MS Word and LaTeX templates for the full paper are provided here:

MS Word template (.doc)   LaTeX template (.zip)